Ambitions programme of sustainability improvements for all built properties at Corrour


Corrour is embarking upon an ambitious programme of sustainability improvements works across all its built properties.

Towards the end of 2021, all our buildings, including the Lodge, the Station Restaurant, all the cottages and the staff houses will be powered and heated from our own hydroelectricity, as well as capacity for 50 electrical car charging points across the property.

These works will future-proof the electrical demands of the estate for the next 50+ years.

As the programme is expected to be quite invasive, we will be

CLOSING SOME OF THE COTTAGES DOWN BETWEEN MID-NOVEMBER 2020 and EARLY OCTOBER 2021, as per the areas affected by the works. 

Regretfully  ALL OF OUR COTTAGES WILL BE CLOSED BETWEEN APRIL – AUGUST 2021 (approximately, pending on progress of works and type of winter we get…. ). 

CORROUR STATION RESTAURANT and the B&B Rooms at the Signal Box will remain OPEN AS USUAL (end-March till end-October 2021), welcoming customers and daily visitors arriving by train, on foot, or cycling in (no vehicular access permitted).

We apologies for any inconvenience caused and are already looking forward to welcoming guests to a refreshed, more sustainable Corrour in late autumn 2021. 


Corrour Estate Office, by Fort William, Inverness-Shire
Scotland, PH30 4AA – Map & Directions >
+44 (0) 1397 707

Corrour  Station Restaurant and B&B: +44 (0) 1397 732 236 –